Friday, December 12, 2008

today's list

first kiss of the day: from six year old H, who came to my bed to give me a "boker tov" with her sweet kiss

person I can't (ok don't want to) live without: my weekly cleaning lady Barbara, even though she puts clothes in the wrong places and makes getting dressed take longer...but I don't get dressed much these days and she DOES do the laundry and clean everything else

amusing activity of the day: watching N turn herself around to kick E in the legs, tummy and face, then H in the tummy too, watching them begin to notice each other and reach out grasp one another

accomplishment of the day: getting the girls to take their am and afternoon naps in THEIR room instead of the living room

helper of the day: Rosabelle, who drove way-way-way west to return the rented baby scale and pump

person I'm always happy to see: Paul the dog walker

news I'm glad to hear: our computer is fixed and Husband is picking it up right now

other things that make me smile: today is yom ha'shishi so Shabbat is coming!!!

Refu'a Shleima prayers for healing:
  • for Grammy who did not have her surgery today due to fluid on her lungs (Dina bat Chaya Sarah)
  • for Carrie and family as she goes into week 31 of her triplet pregnancy, may her babies grow and grow and grow healthy and may she find patience and courage and strength to persevere
  • for Barbara mother of Sherre who is being treated for brain cancer

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